07:00 PM
Fire and Ice
08:00 PM
Brazukas FC
Women In Black
08:00 PM
08:05 PM
Pink Panthers
Prairie Green
08:05 PM
Winnipeg Storm
08:05 PM
Honey Badgers
09:00 PM
09:00 PM
Brawd Squad
09:05 PM
BA United
Tri-S Strikers
09:05 PM
09:00 PM
Sour Patches
Winnipeg City Blues
09:00 PM
St James Legends
09:00 PM
10:00 PM
Dolls with Balls
Lucilles Ball
10:00 PM
Honey Badgers
10:00 PM
Whitecaps FC
Frozen Water
10:00 PM
07:30 PM
Those Guys
Lightning Strike
07:30 PM
North End Puntz
09:30 PM
Secret Cabin
Passed Prime FC

Rules and Regulations

Winnipeg Women’s Soccer League Rules & Regulations
League Structure and Composition
1.1  The WWSL (the “League”) will comprise a Divisional Structure with the Divisions named Premier (P),       First (D1), Second (D2), Third (D3), continuing as required.  There will be separate Masters Divisions named Masters Division 1 (M1), Masters Division 2 (M2), continuing as required.  Seasonally, as required, the League will also include Co-Ed Divisions named Co-Ed 1 (C1), Co-Ed 2 (C2), continuing as required.  The League shall have the right to add or remove any Division(s) from time to time at its sole discretion.
1.2   The first place team in each division will be promoted to the next highest division with no exceptions.  Any other promotions or relegations will be determined at the discretion of the Board.  Promotion from or reassignment to the Masters Division will be upon request from a team and by approval of the Board.  Such a request must be submitted in writing to the Board no later the February 1 of that year for the Outdoor Season and August 1 of that year for the Indoor Season.  After the deadline date, requests will not be considered.  Reassignment to the Senior Competition from the Masters Competition will be upon request from a team and by approval of the Board.  Such a request must be submitted in writing to the Board no later than February 1 of that year for the Outdoor Season and August 1 of that year for the Indoor Season.  After the deadline date, requests will not be considered.  A member of the Board acting as an Officer/Director of a team facing possible promotion or relegation or request for reassignment will be recused from the process to determine that team’s position.
1.3   Within these Rules and Regulations, Competitions refer to Senior Women’s, Masters and Co-Ed.  These are 3 distinct competitions within the WWSL.
Team Registration
2.1   All teams must pay a non-refundable registration deposit prior to each season as determined by the Treasurer and approved by the Board.
2.2   All teams must register online and submit any paperwork or information as required by the Board.
2.3   All players and team officials must register online using the Manitoba Soccer Association current registration process, in order to be registered to a team in the WWSL.  Teams may register 25 players per season and can dress 20 players per game.
2.4   Teams must register a minimum of 16 players for the outdoor season and a minimum of 12 players for the indoor season.  The minimum number of players must be registered prior to the commencement of their outdoor or indoor season.
2.5   Any team not paying their League fees and MSA affiliation fees according to the League payment schedule shall forfeit all games until such time that payment has been made unless arrangements in writing have been made and approved with the Board to cover the outstanding fees.   Any teams withdrawing after the season’s schedule has been published by the League, will be required to pay the remaining balance of all of that season’s fees as determined by the Treasurer and approved by the Board.  The deposit is non-refundable, should a team decide to withdraw after payment has been made.
If depleted by any amount at any time during the season, the Team Bond must be replenished within two weeks of an assessment by the Board.  Failure to replenish the Team Bond shall result in the forfeiture of all remaining games until such time that payment has been made unless arrangements in writing have been made and approved with the Board.  A team with a depleted Team Bond will not be permitted to register for the following season.
Should a team withdraw from the League after the schedule has been published, the Team Bond will only be forfeited if there are outstanding fees that have not been paid to the League.
2.6  Teams and/or individuals with fees outstanding to the League shall not be permitted to register until all fees are paid to the League.
2.7  All teams must register at least one team official.  All team officials must maintain a valid Sport Manitoba Respect in Sport certification.  All team officials on a team with any players under the age of 18 must have recent (within the last 3 years) satisfactory Police Information/Vulnerable Sector Check (EPIC).  Team Officials must present acceptable evidence of satisfactory checks or application for checks when team registration documentation is submitted.
2.8   A team choosing not to participate in a season will lose their position in the League and must re-apply for admission, unless arrangements in writing have been made with the Board.  A team that has been dissolved, withdrawn or removed, must re-apply for entry into the League.
2.9   Teams may apply to provide a home field to be used by the League as requested by the Convenor.  Field credit, as determined by the Board, will be applied to the following season.  The team providing the home field must ensure the field is maintained in a playable condition with an even playing surface, grass cut, field lined and the presence of nets if necessary.
New Teams
3.1  Entry of new teams will be determined by the Board.  The Board reserves the right to refuse any team entry into the League.  Teams not admitted to the League may be placed on a waiting list at the discretion of the Board.
3.2  New teams admitted to the League will, subject to the Board’s determination, enter through the lowest    division.  The Board has the right to institute the “Elevated Entrance” exception for entry directly into a higher division.  In order to qualify for the Elevated Entrance exception, new teams must meet one of the following set of criteria:
a)  New team must be comprised of 50% plus one (1) of its players who have played with a Premier Youth or Premier Senior team within the last five (5) years; or         b)  New team must be comprised of 50% plus one (1) of its players who have a recent history of Provincial, Western Canada Games, Canada Games or similar category of soccer participation, as may be approved by the Board in its sole discretion; or                                                                                          
c)  New team comprised of players with demonstrably equivalent skills and/or accomplishments, as may be approved by the Board in its sole discretion.
3.3   Teams requesting the Elevated Entrance exception must submit a roster of players, along with a summary of their soccer playing experience no less than 30 days prior to the commencement of a season to demonstrate how the team will meet the criteria set out above.
3.4   New teams must pay a Team Bond, amount to be determined by the Board. 
Ownership and Transfer of Ownership
4.1  Ownership of a team is established by primary contact (“the Owner”) noted on the team Registration Form filed by a team with the MSA/WWSL.  The second contact may change from season to season, however any change in the primary contact will be considered a transfer of ownership.   
4.2   The Owner of a team is ultimately responsible for the payment of all fees imposed on a team by the Board, including all League registration fees, penalties imposed during a season, Team Bond fees and any other fees, penalties or impositions imposed on a team by the Board from time to time. 
Players will be held accountable for their portion of the teams fees that are payable to the League.
In the event that an owner does not fulfill his/her responsibility for the payment of fees players shall be held accountable for their portion of unpaid fees.  The player will not be able to register until payment is made or proof of payment is provided to the Board.
4.3  Any team or Owner wishing to transfer ownership of an existing team within the League must apply in writing to the Board for approval.  A transfer fee must accompany the Transfer of Ownership Application Form.  The transfer fee will be refunded if the transfer is not approved.  Approval of the transfer will be at the discretion of the Board.

4.4   The fee schedule for transfer of Ownership is as follows: 
                     Premier Division -  $1000.00
                     First Division  -  $750.00
                     Second Division - $500.00
                     Third Divisions and lower including Masters  -  no fee
                     Co-Ed  -  no fee
4.5  Where the ownership of a team is transferred as a result of the death of the current Owner, there will be no fee assessed.
4.6  The Board shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to disallow any team from playing in the League in the event that the provisions of Article 4 are not followed with regards to the transfer of ownership of that team.
5.1  Tampering is strictly prohibited.  Tampering refers to communicating during a playing season with a player who is registered with another team, for the purpose of negotiating or soliciting their services as a player, for current or future seasons, without the consent of the player’s current team.  Tampering occurs if a team official or a player does the communicating, or if it is done indirectly through a third party.  It is tampering if the communication is done on behalf of current existing teams or on behalf of prospective future teams, whether or not the prospective team gains entry into the League.  If a player is contacted during a playing season by any other team in the League, about playing for them, the player must report the incident immediately to a current team official. 
5.2  Communication for the purpose of recruitment may only occur with a registered player between playing seasons.  The period between playing seasons is the period after the last League scheduled regular season or playoff game in the current season, and before the first League scheduled exhibition or regular season game in the following season.  This refers to the last or first games in the League, not just games involving the player or team officials in question.  Both the Indoor and Outdoor seasons are playing seasons.
5.3  During a playing season, players are not permitted to contact another team in the League about playing for them for the current or future seasons without the consent of their current team.
5.4   If a team is contacted during a playing season by a registered player requesting to play with them, the team must advise the player that the player is in contravention of the league policy unless the player has the consent of their current team and that the team contacted cannot engage in such discussions with the player.
5.5   Players and teams are expected to report any contraventions of the tampering policy to the League Complaints Committee or the Board President.
5.6  These examples are not exhaustive and any other conduct indicating tampering has occurred is strictly prohibited.  Failure by any person to comply with these requirements is a material breach of the League’s Rules and Regulations and at the sole discretion of the Board, may lead to the disqualification of the person tampering from the league.  
Player Eligibility and Registration
6.1  Player Eligibility shall be determined by the MSA and the League.
6.2  A player may not register as a senior player until the year in which they will attain eighteen (18) years of age,  unless otherwise provided for in the MSA Rules and Regulations.

6.3.1  All Masters players may not register as a Masters outdoor player until the year in which she will attain  thirty-five (35) years of age.  All Masters players may register as a Masters Indoor player if they attain their 35th birthday before the end of that indoor season.  The Board may establish additional age requirements for Masters Divisions.  Provincial and National competitions are subject to the Canada Soccer Association age requirements.
6.3.2  Subject to Section 6.3.1, starting with the 2022 Outdoor and Indoor Seasons there will be a decrease in qualifying age for a limited number of Masters players per team to thirty (30) years of age (the "Qualifying  Players").  For greater certainty each player under the age of thirty-five (35) and over the age of thirty (30) constitutes as a Qualifying Player.  Each team can have a maximum of six (6) Qualifying Players.  These Qualifying Players must be thirty (30) as of January 1 in the year in which they are registering.
6.4   As per MSA rules and regulations governing players allowed to register for more than one team.                                               
1.) In Outdoor Competitions, Senior players may register with a maximum of two teams as long as the teams are in different Leagues, are in distinct competitions within those Leagues (such as Masters or Co-Ed) and are age eligible.                                                                                                                        
2) In Indoor Competition, senior players may register with a maximum of three teams, as long as the teams are in different Leagues, are in distinct competitions within those Leagues (such as Masters or Co-Ed) and are age eligible.  Only Co-Ed and Masters players may play on more than one team in the same League (providing there are Co-Ed and /or Master Divisions in that League).  For example, a player may register concurrently for a Co-Ed team, a Masters team and a Senior team.
Player Call-Ups
7.1.1 “Adult guest players” are defined as players currently registered with the WWSL and playing in their   respective competitions.                                                                                                                    
7.1.2 “Youth guest players” are defined as players currently registered through the MSA and must have a current player card.                                                                                                                               
7.2.1   No more than a total of 3 guest players may be called up to play for a team per game, within their competition.  No more than 12 guest players in total may be called up to play for a team per season.  Guest players called up during exhibition games will not be counted towards a team’s 12 call up maximum entitlement per season.                      
7.3  No youth guest player or adult guest player shall be permitted to play in League playoffs or end-of-season tournament games.
7.4  The League will follow the appropriate MSA rule regarding youth guest player eligibility.  The youth guest player must have a properly authorized “Youth to Senior Permit” and a Youth Player ID Card.  The youth guest player must be indicated with a “(Y)” on the game sheet.  

7.5.1 Adult guest players may be called up to play for a higher division team within their competition.  The adult guest player must have a properly authorized Guest Player Permit form available on the WWSL website.  The adult guest player must be indicated with a “(G)” on the game sheet.
7.5.2  Adult guest players used in the Outdoor Masters Division must be 34 as of January 1 in the year in which they registered.  Adult guest players used in the Indoor Masters Division must attain their 35th birthday before the end of that indoor season.
7.6  Co-Ed teams may only call up adult guest players from a lower Co-ed Division.  No youth guest players may be called up by Co-Ed teams.  No call ups are permitted between Co-Ed teams and Women’s teams.       
7.7   In order to call up a guest player, team officials should contact the guest player's team official for permission to contact players to guest for their team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Game Scheduling and Cancellation
8.1  An equal number (where possible) of home and away games will be scheduled for each team.
8.2  Requests for rescheduling of games during the season will not be accepted except at the sole discretion of the Board.
8.3  Prior to each season, teams will be allowed to present to the Convenor, a Scheduling Consideration Form with a maximum of three (3) dates on which the team cannot play.   These dates may include, but are not limited to, events or circumstances in which the team is unable to provide the minimum number of players due to tournaments, fund-raisers, special events, etc.  Additional requests may be reviewed by the Board.  The Scheduling Consideration Form must be received by a date determined by the Board and of which all teams have been advised.  The decision to accept or deny the consideration(s) will be at the sole discretions of the Board.
8.4  When possible, the League will give teams a minimum of ten (10) days notice to add a rescheduled game.  With the consent of both teams, the League may add a rescheduled game on less than ten (10) days notice.
8.5  Games may only be cancelled by the Assigned Referee, Groundskeeper, League Convenor, President and/or governing municipality.  Regardless of the weather conditions, teams must come to the field prepared to play unless they have been notified of a cancellation on the WWSL website or by a member of the Board.
8.6   Teams outside of Winnipeg or teams with home fields are responsible for and must notify the League by 4:00 pm, should weather or field conditions require the game to be cancelled.
8.7  In the event of inclement weather, teams should take the following actions to determine the status of games.  Check the website as it will be updated after 4:30 pm.  Please refer to Article 8.5
8.8  The default fee per game will be one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) for the first default and will increase by $50 for each default thereafter ($200, $250 etc) to be applied against the Team Bond.  A depleted Team Bond must be replenished in cash, money order, e-transfer or certified cheque by a date determined by the Board.  Default fines must be paid by the required date.  A team receiving a victory as a result of a default will be given a credit as determined by the Board.
8.9  A team incurring two (2) defaults in a season may, at the sole discretion of the Board, be moved down one division for the next season.  A team with three (3) or more defaults may be removed from the League at the completion of, or at any time, during the season.
8.10 A team receiving the default victory will be awarded three (3) goals for and three points in the standings.
The score will be recorded as 3-0. 
Game Preparation
9.1  Teams must be ready to play and ready for referee inspection at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled kick-off time.
9.2  Each team is required to provide a game sheet and set up a net if required and provide a proper game ball.  The home team is required to provide the following:
                    a) corner flags
                    b) Second set of uniforms/pinnies, in the event of a jersey conflict.
If the above criteria are not met, a team may be subject to a fine, as determined by the Board, to be applied against the Team Bond.
9.3   The game sheet including the full name of each player, coach, manager, team official(s), and/or trainer must be marked on the game sheet prior to the kick-off.  Correct individual uniform numbers must be identified.
9.4   If a player playing for a team is under the age of 18, all team officials for that team must have a current EPIC.  If a guest player playing for a team is under the age of 18, one team official present for that team must have a current EPIC.  The EPIC must be noted beside the team officials name on each game sheet where a player under the age of 18 is playing for that team.
9.5  Teams must present the MSA team roster at each game.  Players and team officials must present a valid MSA Player Card to the referee prior to participating as a player or team official.  Exceptions will only be made with written permission of the League or in exceptional circumstances.  In a situation where an entire team’s Player Cards are unavailable, the team official must produce the team’s Player Cards by half time during Outdoor and by the end of the game during indoor.  Failing to produce the cards within the required time frame, the game will be defaulted and the offending team will be charged with a default.
9.6.1 A team must field a minimum of eight (8) to a maximum of eleven (11) players at kick-off for games during the outdoor season.  During the outdoor season teams may be granted a fifteen (15) minute grace period from the scheduled kick-off time to provide eight players.  Teams may finish the game with a minimum of seven (7) players.  Failure to field fewer than eight (8) players or ending a game with fewer than seven (7) players shall result in that team receiving a default, regardless of the actual outcome of the game.
9.6.2 A team must field a minimum of four (4) to a maximum of six (6) players at kick-off for games during the indoor season for the quarter field play.  Teams may be granted a seven (7) minute grace period from the scheduled kick-off time to provide four (4) players.  Teams require four (4) players to finish the game.  Failure to field fewer than the required four (4) players or ending a game with fewer than the required number of players, the game shall be declared a default, regardless of the actual outcome of the game.  The offending team will be charged with a default.
For the half field play, teams must field a minimum of six (6) to a maximum of nine (9) players at kick-off during the indoor season. Teams may be granted a seven (7) minute grace period from the scheduled kick-off time to provide six (6) players.  Teams require six (6) players to finish the game.  Failure to field fewer than the required number of players either at the beginning of the game or ending a game with fewer than the required number, the game shall be declared a default, regardless of the actual outcome of the game.  The offending team will be charged with a default.
Player Equipment
10.1 The referee has the right to check equipment/footwear and Player Cards of all players and team officials before the start of play.
10.2 Players equipment is subject to FIFA’s Laws of the Game and the referee shall have the final say on whether or not any piece of player equipment is appropriate and a player shall remove any such equipment deemed inappropriate by the Referee.
11.1 If the referee is not present at the scheduled kick-off time, the teams may find an appropriate substitute   referee.  If a substitute referee is found they should include his/her name and address on the game sheet in order to be paid for officiating the game.  If a substitute referee is not found, the game will be cancelled and will not be rescheduled.  The game will be recorded as 0-0.  If at the end of the season, the division standings are affected because of this situation, at the sole discretion of the Board, the game may be rescheduled.
11.2 If Assistant Referees are not supplied, each team if they are able, should put forward one representative each to assist the Referee with out of touch calls only.  The representative should switch sides at half time.
The Game
12.1 All League outdoor games shall consist of two forty-five (45) minute halves, and all indoor games shall consist of two twenty-five (25) minute halves.  The Referee may shorten the halves with the agreement of, or upon giving appropriate notice to, both teams and must note the rationale on the game sheet.

12.2 During the Outdoor season, there will be unlimited substitutions in all League games, with an unlimited amount of players substituted at any one time.  Substitutions will only be made with the consent of the Referee during a stoppage of play.
During the Indoor season, there will be unlimited substitutions in all League games and the substitutions can be made at any time and will be on the fly.
12.3 Teams are responsible for their spectators.  Team officials must ensure that the spectators do not verbally or physically abuse or intimidate the Referee, players, or team officials in any way.  Teams must comply with a Referees request to help control the players, fans, etc.  Failure to do so may result in severe disciplinary action by the League.
12.4 If a player, coach, manager, team official or spectator is asked to leave the field, the team is responsible to ensure that they leave promptly without incident and do not return to the field.
12.5.1 For Outdoor season games, spectators may sit on the same side of the field as the bench if they require extra care or are children aged 12 years and under.
12.5.2 For Indoor season games, all non-playing individuals and spectators are not permitted at field level and must be seated within the facilities designated spectator seating areas.  Should no other person be available to supervise children within the facilities designated spectator seating areas, children 12 years old or younger will be permitted to remain at field level, located behind the safety netting, away from the playing area.  Children must be supervised by an adult player, coach, or manager where the children are located.  Should these conditions not be met, the game shall not be started or it shall be halted in the event that the game has already commenced.  In both scenarios, the team in question shall be asked to resolve the situation or the outcome of the game shall be decided at the sole discretion of the Referee.
12.6 For Indoor season play, the League will follow the MSA Rules for Indoor Soccer (6 x 6 Competitions; ¼ field play or 9 x 9 Competitions; ½ field play), with the exception of League specific rules and that teams are allowed to dress 20 players.
12.7 Three points will be awarded for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss.
12.8 The tie-breaking procedure for teams with the same amount of points in the standings will be as follows:
           1) Overall wins (most wins overall)
           2) Total season series points - most points, against tied teams if two teams are tied
           3) Total season series +/- goal differential - best GF/GA, Against tied teams (only uses the games     between tied teams)
           4) Overall +/- goal differential - best GF/GA overall
Post Game Procedure
13.1 After a game during the outdoor season, each team will be given a copy of the game sheet.  Teams are recommended to keep a copy of their game sheets in the event of a dispute over game scores, goal scorers or disciplinary matters arising from such games.
13.2 Teams are recommended to check that all their player cards have been returned before leaving the field.  Failure to do so may result in a subsequent game being defaulted if the teams’ Player Cards are lost or misplaced.
1.3.3 The winning team (home team in the event of a tie) is responsible to email the score and goal scorers for both teams to the League.  For the Outdoor season the Referee must mail their copy of the game sheets to the League or drop them off at the Ralph Cantafio Soccer Complex or payment will be denied.  For the Indoor season the Referee must leave the game sheets with the timekeeper to place in the WWSL binders for the League to pick up.
Discipline, Complaints, Publication and Hearings
14.1 A Disciplinarian shall be appointed by the Board.  The Disciplinarian’s responsibilities will be:
            a) to act as the Chair of the Discipline Committee
            b) to act as the Chair of disciplinary hearings held by the Discipline Committee
            c) to decide whether a disciplinary hearing is required in cases where that discretion is given to        
             the Disciplinarian by these Rules and Regulations
            d) to conduct investigations and take decisions regarding disciplinary matters when a hearing is
             not held under these Rules and Regulations
            e) to communicate decisions of the Disciplinarian or the Discipline Committee to the parties
               affected by the decisions
            f) to notify the Board when changes to FIFA, CSA, or MSA Rules and Regulations are such that  
               they would require a change to the League disciplinary policies or procedures
            g) other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Board
14.2 A Discipline Committee shall be appointed by the Board.  If required the Committee shall be compromised of the Disciplinarian and two other members.  The Discipline Committee’s responsibilities will be:
a) to conduct hearings and make decisions on disciplinary matters when a disciplinary hearing is held under these Rules and Regulations
b) other duties as assigned by the Disciplinarian or the Board

14.3 One member of the Discipline Committee will be designated by the Board as the Assistant Disciplinarian.  The Assistant will act in the place of the Disciplinarian when the Disciplinarian is unable to do so, and will assume the authority and responsibility of the Disciplinarian while acting.
14.4 The Disciplinarian or other Members of the Discipline Committee shall recuse themselves from decisions where they would be or would appear to be in a conflict of interest regarding any of the parties involved.  The Board will appoint replacements in these circumstances.
14.5 Clubs, teams, players and club or team officials may be disciplined for:
                    a) breaches of these Rules and Regulations
                    b) breaches of applicable MSA, CSA, or FIFA Laws, Rules or Regulations
                    c) failure to comply with Board, Disciplinarian, Discipline Committee decisions or Complaints  
                        Committee directives
                    d) any other conduct on or off the pitch which is relevant to membership in, relationship to, and
                        role within the League
                    e) any conduct which will bring the game of soccer or the League into disrepute 
All cases of misconduct involving alleged physical assault, attempted physical assault or threatening behaviour
towards a game official or any person shall be dealt with by the Discipline Committee of the MSA.
14.6 The Disciplinarian and the Discipline Committee shall have the authority to sanction clubs, teams, players and club and team officials in one or more of the following ways:
               a) suspension from all or any specific soccer activity related to the League, including, but not
                limited to, playing, coaching and managing, either permanently, indefinitely, for a period of
                time, or for a number of games
               b) imposition of a fine and/or performance bond, and/or payment of expenses related to the
                disciplinary hearing, with timelines for payment and further sanction for noncompliance
               c) expulsion from the League
14.7 For the purposes of this section, the “accused” refers to any club, team, player or club or team official whom could potentially be disciplined by the Disciplinarian or the Discipline Committee, based upon a report from a game official or a complaint filed by another party.
14.8 In conducting hearings or investigations and reaching decisions the Disciplinarian and the Discipline Committee shall be guided by the following:
                    a) the principles of Natural Justice
                    b) the severity and circumstances of the offence
                    c) the fairness of the sanction under consideration
                    d) the need for deterrence for the individual accused and for members of the League at large
                    e) history of other misconduct or offences
                    f) mitigating factors or circumstances
                    g) MSA Mandatory Minimums
14.9 Matters adjudicated by the Disciplinarian or Discipline Committee will normally originate from a report from a game official.  If the Board refers any matters which do not originate from a report from a game official, then the Board shall give specific instructions with respect to procedures and processes to the Disciplinarian or the Discipline Committee.
Report from Game Official
14.10 The Disciplinarian may act on a report from a game official without convening the Discipline Committee for a formal hearing, provided that:
      a) the Disciplinarian does not feel that the matter is such that a formal hearing is required in the circumstances
      b) the accused has not requested a formal hearing as provided in these Rules and Regulations
14.11 The Disciplinarian may convene a formal hearing before the Discipline Committee based upon a report from a game official for any of the following reasons:
       a) the seriousness of the offence in question and the potential discipline
       b) the need for a formal hearing in order to properly ascertain all of the relevant facts
       c) any other reason which the Disciplinarian considers to be relevant
14.12 Where the Disciplinarian acts upon a report from a game official without convening the Disciplinary Committee, the Disciplinarian shall conduct an investigation to determine all of the relevant facts and shall communicate with all of the relevant parties, insofar as it is required to reach a decision in accordance with the principles in paragraph 14.5.
14.13 An accused has a right to a formal hearing before the Discipline Committee on any matter arising from a report from a game official.  In order to exercise this right the accused must inform the Board or the Disciplinarian before 4:00 pm of the first working day immediately after the event from which discipline could potentially arise or 4:00 pm of the first working day immediately after being notified of the discipline.  If the event in question is a situation which would trigger the MSA Mandatory Minimums based upon the report of a game official, then the accused is deemed to have received notice of the potential for further discipline at the time of the event.
14.14 Any complaint regarding alleged misconduct or breach of these Rules and Regulations from a party other than a game official must be completed and submitted on the prescribed form via the League website.  Acknowledgment of receipt of the complaint will be provided within five (5) working days.
14.15 Complaints filed by a party other than a game official will be referred to the Complaints Committee.  The Complaints Committee shall normally conduct a hearing if required.  The complainant or the accused may request a hearing or make written submissions, if the Committee feels that written submissions are appropriate in the circumstances.  If either the complainant or the accused wishes to have a hearing or the Committee feels there should be one, then a hearing will be held.
14.16 If the Complaints Committee concludes that the complainant has deliberately filed a false complaint, engaged in misconduct or acted in a malicious or vexatious manner, the Complaints Committee may sanction the complainant accordingly.  This power is vested in the committee even if no counter complaint has been filed by the accused.  It is within the authority of the Committee to discipline both parties, one party or neither party.
14.17 All disciplinary and complaints decisions and reports may be publicized in such a manner and through whatever media the Board decides, whether or not such a publication reflects on the character or conduct of any club, team, player, or club or team official referred to therein.  In agreeing to be a member of the League the parties in question have agreed to these Rules and Regulations and have given their consent to said publication of the League’s disciplinary and complaints decisions and reports.
14.18 Discipline Committee and Complaints Committee hearing procedures: 
         a) the chair introduces the members of the committee and other parties present
          b) the chair informs the attendees if the hearing is being recorded
          c) the chair explains that those present may only speak with the permission of the chair
          d) the chair reads the official’s report or complaint which gave rise to the hearing
          e) the official or complainant is given the opportunity to present evidence and to call witnesses
          f) the accused is given the opportunity to ask questions of the official or complainant or their witnesses
          g) the official or complainant is given the opportunity to present evidence and call witnesses
          h) the official or complainant is given the opportunity to ask questions of the accused or their witnesses
          i) any member of the Committee may question any person giving evidence
           j) the official or complainant and the accused shall be allowed to make fine summations
          k) the Committee shall withdraw and deliberate in privacy
          l) the Committee may  announce their finding at any time of the hearing or inform the parties that they need more time to deliberate and will notify them of the committee’s decision             within ten (10) working days.
          m) the  Chair may, in their discretion, exclude any person other than the parties to the complaint from the hearing in the interest of a fair and orderly hearing or to avoid the undue                influence third parties
           n) no party may be represented by a barrister or solicitor, except in the case where the party is a club or team and the barrister or solicitor was a club or team official at the time of             the alleged incident which gave rise to the complaint.
Appeals Committee
15.1 The Appeals Committee shall:
       a) Review appeal requests and decide if an appellant should be granted a hearing.  If not, reasons should be provided to the appellant for the Committee’s decision(s)
       b) Conduct appeal hearings and decide if an original decision of the League Discipline Committee or Complaints Committee should be upheld, overturned and/or amended
       c) Continuously review and evaluate Appeals Committee administrative document and policies to ensure compatibility with the League, MSA, and CSA Rules and Regulations and By-Laws.
Appeals Procedure
16.1 An appeal must be submitted within five (5) working days of receiving the decision to be appealed to the League Vice-President by registered mail, certified mail or personal service.  In the absence of the Vice-President, the appeal may be directed to the President.
16.2 The appeal must be accompanied by an appeal deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00) in cash, money order or certified cheque.  This deposit will only be refunded if the League’s original disciplinary decision is overturned.
16.3 The appellant shall submit a copy of the written decision being appealed or their understanding of the decision if they have not received the decision in writing.
16.4 The appeal must state the reasons (grounds) for appealing the decision:
       a) Errors alleged to have been made in procedures followed to arrive at the decision; or
       b) New facts that were not available when the decision was made; or
       c) Alleged incorrect interpretation of the relevant provisions under which the discipline was applied
16.5 The Board or appointed appeals committee may deny leave to appeal if they do not find valid reasons for an appeal and shall notify the appellant accordingly.
16.6 All protests or appeals submitted to the Board Committee or Appeals Committee shall be decided within ten (10) working days of being properly notified in writing of the protest or appeal.
16.7 The decision of the Board Committee or delegated committee shall be final and binding, except that the appellant may further appeal the decision to the Manitoba Soccer Association.  Players, clubs, teams and officials will not take any dispute to the ordinary courts unless specifically provided for in the  MSA or CSA By-Laws or Rules and Regulations.
Amendments to Rules and Regulations
17.1 These Rules and Regulations may be amended at any time and from time to time by the Board in their sole discretion.

The Winnipeg Women's Soccer League Rules & Regulations are to be followed at all times unless otherwise advised by the League in writing.

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