Players looking for a team and Teams looking for players
The Winnipeg Women's Soccer League is looking for players to join the league!
Who: Women of all ages! Players who are 17 years of age as of January 1 of the year they are registering (Division 1, 2, 3 or 4). Masters players must be 34 years of age as of January 1 of the year they are registering.
Why: It's Summer! Time to get outside and run around with your friends!
When: Once a week! Each team is guaranteed 16 matches and every effort is made to maintain a consistent evening each week.
Where: Outside! We've got amazing facilities with turf fields at the Ralph Cantafio Soccer Complex and Shaugnessy Soccer Complex.
We are a professionally run league with certified Manitoba Soccer Association referees, well kept facilities and great respect for The Beautiful Game and all those who enjoy it!
Players wanting to be added to a list of players looking for a team CLICK HERE.
To see a list of teams looking for players click HERE.
Teams wanting to be added to a list of teams looking for players CLICK HERE.
To see a list of players looking for a team click HERE.